Published Oct 16, 2022


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Ana Forcinito



In this essay I analyze four instances in the representation of the juridical-legal scenario in relation to gender violence (especially rape and femicide) in the Argentine cinema since the nineties. Despite the fact that in all cases there is a questioning of justice (and a staging of injustice), in all the films that I will analyze different legal or juridical dilemmas arise. Either in the form of a denouncement of a crime that shocked the entire Argentine society (El caso María Soledad), or of a questioning of justice in the midst of impunity and neoliberalism and a simultaneous invisibility of gender and women (Cenizas del paraiso) or a questioning of justice

and the remnants of the terrorist state but now anchored in the question of a femicide (El secreto de sus ojos), or a theoretical discussion about justice that uses the corpse of a young woman as a background and as an excuse to discuss the male power of law (Tesis sobre un homicidio), all the films that I am going to analyze delineate the law and, above all, its edges, that is, what is not represented in the legal or juridical scenario but it is often a determining factor in judicial decisions that violate justice and women's rights.


Sexual violence, femicide, law, film, ArgentinaViolencia sexual, femicidio, cine, ley, Argentina

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How to Cite
Forcinito , A. (2022). The Borders of the Law: judicial scenario and gender violence in Argentinian cinema. Cuadernos De Literatura, 26.
Dossier: Derecho, literatura, y artes