Published Mar 14, 2024

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This article interprets the loss of an eye in the face of Cleopatra Lebas, Adolfo Couve’s El parque main character, through her identification with the severed head of the Medusa held by Perseus, and the crisis of linear monocular perspective. I claim that both the first name and surname of this Medusa suggest the end of a visual ancient regime based on monocular perspective, but at the same time points out to the survival of her gaze after the beheading: on the one hand, “Cleopatra” hints to a return to the making of “Egyptian” bidimensional images as a consequence of the emergence of photography; on the other hand, “Lebas” invokes the hauling of the Luxor Obelisk from Egypt to Paris by French engineer Jean-Baptiste Lebas, and its subsequent erection at Concordia Square, symbolically covering up the guillotine. From a Latin American standing point, I finally argue that in Couve’s myth both the petrifying gaze of the Medusa and the stone of the Luxor Obelisk hauled by Lebas end migrating and conflating in a block of the lithographical stone: as a historical character, “Cleopatra Lebas” was the daughter of another Jean-Baptiste Lebas, the first lithographer of Chile, and publisher of Johann Moritz Rugendas’ Álbum de trajes chilenos.


Adolfo Couve, Perspective, Lithography, Myth of Perseus and Medusa.Adolfo Couve, Perspectiva, Litografía, Mito de Perseo y la Medusa

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How to Cite
Toro Franco, F. T. (2024). Medusa criollo’s faith: a perspective from El parque by Adolfo Couve. Cuadernos De Literatura. Retrieved from