Published Jul 30, 2014


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Daniela Gargantini

María Florencia Pasquale

Ludmila Garbellotto


In recent years in Latin America it has been considered the need to move towards urban-housing policies that consider state intervention in the private speculative dynamics.The politics of access to urban land are a niche favorable for it.From the analysis of the contradictory dimension of the state and from a critical stanceagainst neoliberal doctrine, this paper focuses on the identification and development ofnew categories of analysis in order to differentiate urban action alternative tools in termsof the traditional redistributive approach.The identification of these categories will allow to have criteria to critically analyze interventiontools for access and use of urban land, in order to contribute to reposition thestate against neoliberal dynamics, specifically in front of the right of private property.

Papel do Estado, políticas de acesso ao solo urbano, categorias de análises.Rol del Estado, políticas de acceso al suelo urbano, categorías de análisisRole of the State, political access to urban land, analytic categories

How to Cite
Gargantini, D., Pasquale, M. F., & Garbellotto, L. (2014). Urban Land Access Policies: Rethinking Analytic Categories. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 7(14), 202–217.