Published May 12, 2017


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José Fernando Tabares Fernández

Nelson Alveiro Gaviria García

Carlos Esneider Patiño Torres



User and venue categories as barriers are part of the results of the research “Sports venues and the UVA in the active dynamics of the city (Medellin),” the purpose of which was to establish their incidence in city topics. We worked from a multi-method perspective, with the application of the Access and Sports Development Index (IDAD) for the purposes of access and distribution, as well as with workshops, conversations, open questionnaires, and socializations for participation, entrepreneurship, and resilience. Venues, as a central topic of public policies, require an approach that transcends their existence itself as an indicator of processes to guarantee law. In this sense, we identified the categories venue and user as conditioners of access. We present a proposal that aims to contribute to inquire deeper into this topic and broaden the view over an object such as venues, which is central in the public policies of sports.


Arquitetura, criação cultural, experiência, hábitat, Habitação popularsports, human rights, sports venue, entertainment, governmental policydeporte, derechos humanos, instalación deportiva, ocio, política gubernamental

How to Cite
Tabares Fernández, J. F., Gaviria García, N. A., & Patiño Torres, C. E. (2017). Access to Sports Facilities: User Categories and Scenario as Barrier. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 10(19), 142–153.