Published Dec 20, 2020


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Jaime Sarmiento Ocampo



Mat-Building is the term coined by Alison Smithson to designate certain types of buildings with capacity for transformation over time, to grant greater freedom to individuals.

Mat-building leads us to another type of architecture that moves away from the formal —the finished object—, to show an adaptable disposition to variable ways of living. The variability of the system lends itself to house the changing life of human beings, which means, for housing. The mat represents today one of the greatest possibilities for developing contemporary housing, since it allows the adaptation of cities and their population
in different areas and scales. At the end of the text, by way of conclusion, an example of
application is presented, the CAH system, winner of the BCN-NYC Affordable Housing
Challenge for affordable housing in Barcelona and New York.


Arquitetura, cidade, mat-building, sistema, transformação, habitaçãoarquitectura, ciudad, mat-building, sistema, transformación, viviendaarchitecture, city, mat-building, system, transformation, housing

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How to Cite
Sarmiento Ocampo, J. . (2020). The Mat-Building Applied in Housing. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 13.