Published Aug 10, 2022


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Ianina Tuñon

Luis Fernando Aguado Quintero

Horacio Vera Cossío

Ana María Osorio Mejía



The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 2015 establish as a goal for 2030 "to ensure access for all people to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and to improve marginal neighborhoods", in addition to "guaranteeing the availability of water and its sustainable management and sanitation for all”.

It is proposed to reflect and build longitudinal evidence for different Latin-American countries around the particular vulnerability of children to the poor conditions of their environment. For the construction of the data, the household surveys of the member countries of the Odsal Network are used: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Mexico, in the time periods 2002-03, 2010-11 and 2017.

The toxic habitat of life, the unhealthy environment and overcrowding increase the propensity of some children to suffer from early chronic diseases, representing an obstacle for educational training and the development of sociability skills


Rights;, inequities;, childhoods;, habitatderechos;, inequidades;, infancias;, hábitatdireitos;, inequidades;, meninices;, hábitat

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How to Cite
Tuñon, I., Aguado Quintero, L. F. ., Vera Cossío, H., & Osorio Mejía , A. M. . (2022). Habitat and Childhood, Pending Rights and Inequities in Latin America. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 29.