Published Aug 10, 2022


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Edwin Segura Guerrero

Oswaldo López Bernal

Apolinar Figueroa Casas



Adaptation to climate change, as a social construction, brings with it a gap where communities do not have a sufficient level of influence in the transformation of territorial systems, in part due to the top-down perspective with which traditional territorial management operates. , hindering success in the implementation of adaptation strategies to climate change. This article proposes comprehensive territorial management, as the conceptual mechanism through which local adaptation initiatives can be incorporated into decision-making, based on the systematic analysis of two case studies: Carahatas, Santa Clara (Cuba) and Las Americas, Yumbo (Colombia). From here it is concluded on the main elements that must be reconsidered in the traditional management model, especially pointing out the main challenges that must be overcome for the implementation of community-based adaptation strategies, and their future recognition and institutional integration


adaptation to climate change;, adaptation strategies;, comprehensive territorial management;, territoryadaptación al cambio climático;, estrategias de adaptación;, gestión territorial integral;, territorioadaptação às mudanças climáticas;, estratégias de adaptação;, gestão territorial integral;, território

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How to Cite
Segura Guerrero, E., López Bernal, O. ., & Figueroa Casas, A. (2022). Challenges of Comprehensive Territorial Management for the Implementation of Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 35.

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