Published Aug 10, 2022


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Juan Correa Parra

Francisco Vergara Perucich

Carlos Aguirre Núñez



The objective of this research is to evaluate the metropolitan areas of Santiago, Valparaíso and Concepción, in order to characterize the sociodemographic compositions of the sectors with the greatest possibility of advancing towards the implementation of the 15-minute city. For this purpose, a cartographic survey of 24 essential urban functions less than 15 minutes away was carried out. Sociodemographic profiles of these areas were then constructed, resulting in a set of maps that show the neighborhoods in each city where it is most feasible to implement 15-minute cities. The results reflect the difference in the sociodemographic composition of each neighborhood for the Metropolitan Areas studied. The contribution of this study is to review the distance that may exist between the current urban conformations of these metropolitan areas, in order to project a sustainable city, such as the one advocated by the 15-minute cities.


characterization;, neighborhood;, 15-minute city;, cartographycaracterización;, barrio;, ciudad de 15 minutos;, cartografíacaracterização;, bairro;, cidade de 15 minutos;, cartografia

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How to Cite
Correa Parra, J., Vergara Perucich, F. ., & Aguirre Núñez, C. . (2022). The 15-minute city in Chile: empirical analysis for Gran Santiago, Concepción and Valparaíso. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 17.