Published Aug 10, 2022


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Bruno Cruz Petit

Alejandro Leal Menegus



The intensive use of interior living space in the cities of the 21st century consolidates a process of retreat to a private spatial sphere that is not always satisfactory for the users. The need to consider elements not only in terms of individual satisfaction, but also in terms of collective and environmental satisfaction, leads us to think about the integration of quality of life demands of users linked to family connection in a healthy micro-environment, through a tripartite habitability model, with three fundamental dimensions: psycho-efficiency, socio-efficiency and eco-efficiency. Based on the planimetric and photographic survey of a case study located in Mexico City, we proceeded to an analysis based on the previously elaborated theoretical triad. The result shows that at the intersection of these dimensions are located controversial elements of the habitability of the residential interior environment (such as an urban and family connection compatible with privacy and health in an environment as sustainable as possible), objectives that the designer had to try to achieve by negotiating solutions that adapt to the not always coinciding desires of the users.


habitability;, urban house;, Mexican architecture;, family identityHabitabilidad;, casa urbana;, arquitectura mexicana;, identidad familiarhabitabilidade;, moradia urbana;, arquitetura mexicana;, identidade familiar

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How to Cite
Cruz Petit, B., & Leal Menegus, A. (2022). Interior retreat and urban habitability in the megapolis: architecture and family history in a house in Mexico City. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 19.