Published Jun 20, 2013


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Fernando Ostuni



This work proposes an inquiry on housing built by the public sector in the city of Buenos Aires, using the current Federal Program for Housing Development launched in 2004, as its core. This program is a nation-wide policy carried out by the Urban Development and Housing Undersecretary’s Office, which depends on the Ministry of Infrastructure and Federal Planning. The author’s interest on this subject comes from the idea of it being the housing policy with the highest impact of the last decades. A priori, it could entail a change of the State’s role in relation with housing problems, transformed in an important assignment of economic and technical resources in order to face the situation. This speech exposes the investigation process that was concreted in a Masters thesis and that still continues as a Doctoral Thesis.


Urbanism, Habitat, Housing, Implementation Processes, State, Society, SegregationUrbanismo, habitat, habitação, processos implementação, estado, sociedade, segregaçãoUrbanismo, hábitat, vivienda, procesos de implementación, estado, sociedad, segregación

How to Cite
Ostuni, F. (2013). National Policies and Local Sceneries. Reflections on the Implementation of the Federal Program for Housing Development in the City of Buenos Aires. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 3(5).

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