Published Apr 15, 2010

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Rubén S. Stiglitz



This text has been developed on the basis of jurisprudence dealing with concepts
and principles of the franchise agreement and the insurance policy and problems resulting from its lack of reasonability and the harm it causes to the insurance policy, which as a result, is reduced to simple normative formalisms. Therefore and by conducting a study that begins with a distinction between public law and private law with respect to the effects of the insurance policy over third parties and that is focused on the relationship of the insurance policy to other concession agreements in an administrative development thereof, it can be seen how the insurance policy is the basis of the principle of good faith during the negotiation stage and which is clearly differentiated from the purpose of the Government when enforcing contracts it is a party to.


Jurisprudence, concepts and principles of the franchise and the insurance contract, contractual principle of good faithJurisprudencia, conceptos y principios de la franquicia y el contrato de seguro, principio de buena fe contractual, franquicia, contrato de seguros, economía contractual, buena fe

How to Cite
Stiglitz, R. S. (2010). Unreasonable franchising and distortion of the insurance policy. Jurisprudence on concepts and principles. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 19(32). Retrieved from
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