Published Nov 30, 2015


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Gustavo Andrés Correa Valenzuela



This study considers the insured party’s duties in a generic manner, as context for analyzing the prohibition in liability insurance of the insured to recognize his civil liability or arrive at agreements with third-parties. The general framework of law for the different duties of the insured during the execution performance of the insurance contract is studied, with special emphasis on the liability insurance contract, as this is
the type of insurance that carries the prohibition.

The way in which the insured party’s duties develop primary principles of the insurance contract, such as good faith and the indemnity principle, are analysed, thus identifying their nature and juridical consequences. Three different types of insured’s duties in the insurance contract are identified, distinguished by the temporary state of the risk in the aforementioned contract, be they: i) at the moment of transmitting the risk to the insurer, ii) the risk being assumed by the insurer, and iii) the risk having occurred while assumed by the insurer.

Risk is the random element in the insurance contract which gives it the unbroken chain character, so that the temporary state of the risk determines the behavior the parties involved must maintain during the execution and performance of the insurance contract, analyzing specifically the insured’s behavior as he is the recipient of the prohibition at issue.

In some Latin American legislations different consequences have been contemplated for the breach of this prohibition. , In Colombia, loss of the indemnity right is commonly assigned as a consequence; yet the prohibition without establishing a juridical consequence to its breach is also seen. This study proposes that in the Colombian legal system this consequence implies a penalty to bad faith in the insurance claim, therefore inadequate for the breach of the prohibition under discussion.

This study analyzes the effects of the insured’s breach of the prohibition of civil liability recognition and agreements with third-parties, proposing a consequence considered legally adequate attending to the nature of the insured’s prohibition.


Liability insurance, insured’s duties, legal consequence of the breach of insured’s duties, insured’s obligations after the loss eventSeguro de responsabilidad civil, deberes del asegurado, consecuencia jurídica de incumplimiento de deberes del asegurado, obligaciones del asegurado ocurrido el siniestro

How to Cite
Correa Valenzuela, G. A. (2015). Prohibición al asegurado de reconocer su responsabilidad y realizar acuerdos con terceros en el seguro de responsabilidad civil. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 24(43).
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