Published Jun 6, 2017


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Sebastián Mejía Aramburo



In this article our purpose is to look at the development of the normative background until we reach what we have today in regulation, then recommend what the system lacks so that the channels can become more flexible and inclusive.  We aim to have channels that generate effective solutions for all the economic sectors and socio-economic strati, in all the national territory.

Today, in the insurance sector omnychanell is an increasing reality, which has led to the strengthening of the direct channel, and the strategic alliances for the commercialization of insurance. This has also broadened the penetration of the insurance sector, generating more financial inclusion, which leads to products and services that are better adjusted to the needs of the insured.

According to the international regulatory scene, there is a tendency for disintermediation in the commercialization of insurance, this looks for a bigger inclusion of the insurance sector, and a greater penetration in the GDP, which in Latin American countries is quite low.

In the Colombian panorama we can find regulatory development that allows the democratization of the insurance contract, where every time more people of all socio-economic strati have had the possibility of acquiring an insurance, not only for its cost, but also for an increasing range of places where they can acquire it. Nevertheless, we consider that there are still gaps to be filled, without ignoring all the advances that have been made, and the good doing developed by the government and the regulators.


How to Cite
Mejía Aramburo, S. (2017). Disintermidiation in the Insurance Contract. From Bank Insurance Model (Bim) to the Usage of Sales Channel. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 26(46).
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