Published Feb 26, 2020


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Andrea Signorino Barbat



This article does not purport to be a traditional approach referred to new technologies in the sense of introducing technologies applied to insurances and risks thereof, or comment about virtues and flaws thereof, or explain the types of existing Cyber risks. It intends to bring the subject closer to the reader and reflect about Cyber risks in a broad sense, reach and prevention thereof. In this sense, I will analyze the Cyber Risks methodologically classified in three dimensions that I names social, functional and ethical dimensions. The social dimension refers to risks implied by the technologies and cybernetic world to the consumer-user in a social structure context, possible causes and solutions; the functional dimension refers to risks for the actual company. The ethical dimension refers to the dangers the Cyber world may cause to people individually, as human beings, if the risks implied are not properly handled, regulated or contextualized.


Cyber, risks, social, functional, ethical, dimensionsCiber, riesgos, dimensiones, social, funcional, ética

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How to Cite
Signorino Barbat, A. (2020). Cyber Risks: Social, Functional and Ethical Dimensions. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 28(51).
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