Published Dec 17, 2020


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Oscar Eduardo Salamanca Ibarra



This work presents an analysis of certain rulings showing the criteria implemented by judges to resolve certain particular cases. A brief description of the facts, a succinct review of the corresponding rulings and the grounds thereof as well as a legal problem that in the opinion of the author was sought to be solved by the Courts will be presented; finally, an analysis of the decision adopted as per the respective cited case will be conducted. 

The rulings correspond to cases in which the controversy is derived from the interpretation of lease agreements and the analyses about whether the respective goods must be insured or not. This study allows the identification of the jurisprudence regarding the goods of this type of agreements, which in turn, allows to understand the scope and the need to appropriately include in an insurance policy the different interests the parties (lessor and lessee) may have. 


Contrato de Leasing, compañía de leasing, análisis críticolease agreement, lease company, critical analysis

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How to Cite
Salamanca Ibarra, O. E. (2020). Lease insurance: A line of jurisprudence. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 29(53).
Análisis jurisprudencial - Especialización en Derecho de Seguros Pontificia Universidad Javeriana