Published Sep 16, 2015


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Anselmo Amaro dos Santos

Vilanice Alves A Püschel



Objective: This study sought to identify the design of nursing students on health education analyzing the educational activities carried out by students in the care process. Methodology: A qualitative assessment that the analysis of the content of Bardin used as methodological. We interviewed 15 nursing students from last year. Results: Two categories emerged: The concept of ES, the conceptions about being an agent educator and develop the practice of educational action; disciplines that address the ES and the situations experienced in educational activities that have been implemented. Conclusion: The knowledge imparted is technical-scientific, the focus of the action is curative and returned to the idea of preventing disease complications. There are concepts that advance toward the emerging concept of dimension ES transformative action, focusing on problem solving and changes in health reality.


educação em saúde, estudante de enfermagem, cuidado, ação educativaeducación para la salud, estudiante de enfermería, cuidado, acción educativahealth education, nursing student, care, educational action

How to Cite
dos Santos, A. A., & Püschel, V. A. A. (2015). Conceptions of Nursing Students on Health Education in Nursing Care. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 17(2), 85–94.
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