Published Jan 13, 2017


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Julio César Cadena Estrada

Yariela González Ortega



Introduction: chronic degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease are caused by various risk factors, habits and styles of unhealthy life, so that prevention and health promotion based on theories or models of nursing, play an essential role in solving public health problems. Objective: To develop a proposal for implementation of nursing care to patients with cardiovascular risk supported by the Health Promotion Model (HPM) of Nola J Pender. Proposal: The care of people is proposed based on the HPM where the nurse: 1)basally determines the self-efficacy perceived, health perception, risk factors, the profile of healthy lifestyles and personal factors; 2) gets involved
in an education course with the participation of a “model patient” (3-12 sessions of 30-60 minutes during the (s) week (s) of hospitalization) and home monitoring with workshops and written tools; 3) evaluates the effect of the intervention; and 4) follows up with information technology and communication. Conclusion: Nursing care of patients with cardiovascular risk based on the HPM, using information technology and communication, can influence cognitive-perceptual factors, barriers to action, perceived benefits, affections, competition and especially the perceived self-efficacy, modifying active, vicarious, persuasive or emotional risk behavior. However, it is essential to consider the personal, interpersonal, situational factors and prior conduct in educational nursing interventions.

How to Cite
Cadena Estrada, J. C., & González Ortega, Y. (2017). Nursing care in patients with cardiovascular risk based on the theory of Nola J. Pender. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 19(1), 107–121.
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