Published Jan 13, 2017


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Fernanda Paula Cerântola Siqueira

Tereza Lais Menegucci Zutin

Cristina Toshie De Macedo Kuabara

Tássia Andreu Martins



Objective: To evaluate the training of health professionals about breastfeeding. Method: Exploratory and descriptive field study with 614 professionals who were part of the multidisciplinary team of basic care network and two hospitals in the city of Marilia / SP. The collected data were stored and analyzed using the EPI INFO vs.6.02. Results: It was found that 22.6% received no information during training; 51.0% had no training for their professional performance. Most of the professionals assess the situation to identify the problem experienced by a woman, but there are still professionals who support the decision of the breastfeeding mother to stop breastfeeding and suggest the early introduction of other foods. In addition, 50.0% of professionals consider the knowledge about breastfeeding for decision making to be important. Conclusion: This confirms the need for ongoing instruction of our team, through training for the control and management of breastfeeding.


Aleitamento materno, Saúde da criança, Capacitação em serviçobreastfeeding, child health, service training

How to Cite
Siqueira, F. P. C., Menegucci Zutin, T. L., De Macedo Kuabara, C. T., & Andreu Martins, T. (2017). Training of health professionals about breastfeeding. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 19(1), 171–186.
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