Published Dec 14, 2018


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Ruth Angelica Landa Rivera

Lubia Del Carmen Castillo Arcos

Nicolás Padilla Raygoza



Introduction: As a chronic disease, diabetes is a disastrous event bringing about negative behaviors regarding the treatment adherence, which makes necessary the use of cognitive and social theories in order to redirect the nursing care. Objective: To answer the guiding research questions: What is the social representation that women have about Diabetes Type 2? What elements form the central core and the peripheral systems of the social representation? Method: This is a comprehensive review using the Prism Method as a guide. It includes articles whose primary descriptors are “social representations”, “Diabetes Type 2” and “women”; and the secondary descriptor “type 2 diabetes patients”. The search was carried out in systematized databases: Web of Science, Medline, PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, Bireme, and CUIDEN. Results: The findings indicate that diabetes phenomenon gave rise to an irreversible social representation. This system of data, attitudes and beliefs is organized and structured around the suffering, feeding, exercise and medication, which makes difficult to ascertain the social identity and, probably, the treatment adherence specific to this disease. Conclusion: To identify the structure of the social representation and elements forming the central core allows the health professionals to plan interventions intended to favor the social identity and treatment adherence among women with diabetes type 2.


Diabetes type 2, social representation, woman, adherenceDiabetes tipo 2, Representación social, Mujer, Adherencia.diabete tipo 2, representação social, mulher, adesão

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How to Cite
Landa Rivera, R. A., Castillo Arcos, L. D. C., & Padilla Raygoza, N. (2018). Social Representation of the Diabetes Type 2 in Women according to the Central Core Theory. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 21(1).
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