Published Dec 14, 2018


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Emilce Salamanca Ramos

Zulma Johana Velasco Páez

Clara Delcy Díaz Viatela



Introduction: The aging of people is currently awakening interest due to the increase in the life expectancy. Objective: To know the family environment of the elderly in the Centros Vida [Life Centers] in the city of Villavicencio and use the results to build guiding elements intended to educate professional caregivers, thus improving the elderly’s quality of life. Method: This work used a qualitative perspective with an ethnographic approach. Three CVs were selected randomly. From each CV a caregiver, an elderly person and his/her family participated in the study. Non-invasive observations and open interviews were used in the study. Nine interviews were completed, then typed and converted in textual units by using the software N-vivo 11. The analysis was carried out simultaneously with the field work. The data were then subject to coding and categorization. Results: Three categories were identified: (1) either accepting or resigning oneself to be an elderly person; (2) the needs of the old age, and (3) the family relationships when there is an elderly person in it. Conclusion: For the elderly, aging is a stage of life coming with losses, neglect, and suffering. This is a very difficult stage when the family does not have enough socio-economic resources; the family needs to accept and support the changes undergone by the elderly. To the caregivers working in the CVs, this is a stage of life requiring a lot of support by the family and the society.


elderly, family, family relationships, agingAdulto mayor, familia, relaciones familiares, envejecimiento.idoso, família, relacionamentos familiares, envelhecimento

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How to Cite
Salamanca Ramos, E., Velasco Páez, Z. J., & Díaz Viatela, C. D. (2018). Family Environment of the Elderly in the Centros Vida in the City of Villavicencio, Colombia. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 21(1).
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