Student Nurse Internship in the Process of Building the Nursing Knowledge: Motivations and Perceptions by the Student Nurse Intern
The student nurse intern program consists in a lato sensu postgraduate modality focusing on the health field. It is a specialization program characterized by the teaching of services, providing practical, specific and directed guidelines. The proposal in this study aims to disclose the feelings and life experiences of the Student Nurse Interns and how all this influence their formation process. Objective: To identify the expectations, motivations, and perceptions experienced by the student nurse intern in her/his hospital internship in the area of geriatrics at a specific hospital in Rio do Janeiro between 2015 and 2016. Method: This is a research based on a qualitative descriptive approach and the data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews applied to 18 student nurse interns. Results: Three theme categories stemmed from the data analysis: motivation when choosing a nurse internship program; expectations before entering to the course; and perceptions after starting the nurse internship. Conclusion: A lot of benefits were observed when students choose a specialization program with a service training modality. The study shows that the specialization carried out as a nurse internship provides the student nurse with life experiences in the reality, which nurtures and prepares her/him better to cope with the labor market.
nursing, teaching, health, specializationenfermería, enseñanza, salud, especializaciónEnfermagem. Educação. Saúde. Especialização.
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