Published Jun 29, 2020


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Maria Edite Rua Castro

Salete Soares



Introduction. Diabetes as a chronic disease, represents a serious public health problem worldwide, due to its incidence, and the high rate of morbidity and mortality with strong repercussions in people's lives. Objective. To know the effect of a health education program on the knowledge of diabetes, self-care training and health literacy in the elderly diabetic. Method. Quasi-experimental study of a single group, with a sample of 40 type 2 diabetic participants, aged 65 or over, autonomous. Instruments: Sociodemographic and Clinical Questionnaire; Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire (DKQ-24) (α = 0.83); Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (α = 0.62); Literacy Questionnaire Newest Vital Sign (α = 0.76). A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was conducted. Results. Statistically significant differences identified in the knowledge about diabetes between the 1st and 2nd assessment. Regarding self-care activities with diabetes, statistically significant differences were found in the activities Diet, Specific Diet and Foot Care. Health literacy, in the 1st evaluation, was at a high probability level of limited literacy and after intervention evolved positively, showing an increase in the level of literacy.


Alfabetización en salud, autocuidado, diabetes mellitus, autocontrol, impacto de la enfermedad crónicaHealth literacy, self-care, diabetes mellitus, self-monitoring, chronic deseaseLiteracia em saúde, autocuidado, diabetes mellitus, autocontrolo, doença crónica

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How to Cite
Rua Castro, M. E. ., & Soares, S. (2020). Health literacy and self-care and self-monitoring in the elderly with type 2 diabetes . Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 22.
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