Published Jun 29, 2020


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Paula Andrea Duque

Yanier Betancur Manrique

Alejandra Franco Galvis

Manuela Hoyos Castañeda

Esther Edith Valencia Hernández



Introduction. The death is a phenomenon, it has always worried humanity, so it is the object of nursing care as part of the inherent competencies of the discipline. Objective. To describe the nurses’ level of coping with the death of patients in critical care units. Method. Pilot study observational, descriptive transversal study, the sampling method was probabilistic, taking into account the number of nurses who performed as Nursing teachers in the critical care area of four universities in Pereira and Manizales (n = 30). A self-administered survey was applied, prepared by the researchers, with sociodemographic, curricular and teaching profile data, and to assess the level of coping, the Bugen scale of coping with death, validated in Spanish, was used. Results. The 100% teachers had near-death experience with a family member and the 73.3% had not preparation about the death, which was revealed by the Bugen scale. The 36.8% (1) of the population scored below the percentile 33 and 33.4% (2) of the population scored upper the percentile 66 and 29.9% (3) in the average zone. Conclusion. The nurses need to improve their level of coping with death, through solid training in comprehensive care at the right to die, to achieve specific competencies that can be consciously teach.


adaptación psicológica, cuidados paliativos, atención de enfermería, Derecho a morirRight to die, adaptation psychological, palliative care, nursing careMorte, coping, diritto alla morte, cure palliative, cure infermieristiche

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How to Cite
Duque, P. A. ., Betancur Manrique, Y. ., Franco Galvis, A. ., Hoyos Castañeda, M. ., & Valencia Hernández, E. E. (2020). Coping with nursing teachers in the front of patient death in critical care units. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 22.
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