Published Sep 13, 2021


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Jorge Luis Herrera Herrera

Edinson Oyola López

Yolima Judith Llorente Pérez




Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is defined as irreversible kidney damage that over a period of three months or more and that not only affects different organs and systems, but can also lead to complications such as skin ulcers, especially in the limbs lower. Objective: To determine the prevalence of ulcers in the lower limbs and the influencing factors in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease on hemodialysis, who attend a renal care center in the city of Montería - Colombia. Methodology: Correlational study, with quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional approach, the sample was 561 participants. The instruments were a sociodemographic and background data sheet, and the Ankle Arm Index (ITB). Results: The participants were mostly men (67%), with an average age of 62 years; Statistical significance was found with p <.05 between a history of diabetes, low ITB, previous ulcer and the presence of ulcer in Lower Members. Conclusions: The study of this type of phenomena in renal care units becomes a necessity; given the high prevalence and the associated risk factors. This will allow the planning of strategies aimed at prevention.

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How to Cite
Herrera Herrera, J. L., Oyola López, E., & Llorente Pérez, Y. J. (2021). ULCERS IN LOWER LIMBS AND INFLUENCING FACTORS, IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 23.
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