Published Jul 27, 2022


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Ivett Adriana Herrera Zuleta

María Fernanda Rodriguez Ruiz

Valentina Fernández Durán

Leidy Tatiana Sánchez Cabrera



Introduction: Programs that have proven to be successful in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are characterized by offering comprehensive care that includes: sex education, promotion of life skills, access to health counseling and family planning. The rural population presents specific social and cultural situations that make it distinctive: low levels of education, accessibility and articulation with sectors, which leads to the development of a different approach by the nurse in the territory. Objective: to describe the nurse's experience in the approach to sexual and reproductive health in young people and adolescents in rural areas. Method: qualitative study with phenomenological approach. Results: four categories emerged: the first one emphasizes sexual and reproductive health education for young people and adolescents, a dynamic approach in rural areas. It is followed by the approach to sexual and reproductive health in rural youth and adolescents. The third involves the construction of the experience in the territory, and the fourth is about the pandemic that redesigned care. Conclusion: nurses must join forces with other stakeholders to enhance activities aimed at the adolescent population in rural areas, for which they must develop skills and get to know the territory in which they intervene in order to understand its worldviews. At the same time, they should rely on differential care strategies, which, according to their experiences, have proven to provide the best experience in sexual and reproductive health.


Salud sexual y reproductiva, educación sexual, enfermería, servicios de salud del adolescente, medio ruralSaúde sexual e reprodutiva, educação sexual, enfermagem, serviços de saúde do adolescente, meio ruralSexual and reproductive health, sexual education, nursing, adolescent health services, rural setting

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How to Cite
Herrera Zuleta, I. A., Rodriguez Ruiz, M. F., Fernández Durán, V., & Sánchez Cabrera, L. T. (2022). Nursing in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Youth and Adolescents: A Challenge from Rural Areas. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 24.
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