Published Jul 27, 2022


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Daiana Cristina Wickert

Laís Mara Caetano da Silva

Aline Gomes Ilha

Catiele Piccin

Luiza Carolina Santos Malheiros

Tissiane Almeida Santos

Barbara Iansã de Lima Barroso

Ana Cristina de Oliveira e Silva



Introduction: case tracking through COVID-19 screening tests is indispensable to control/delay the spread of the disease. Objective: to identify the incidence of COVID-19 through the positivity of rapid tests and associated factors in the population of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: cross-sectional study, developed with 121,622 individuals notified and residing in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, from March to June 2020, from public domain data. For the analysis, positive results in COVID-19 rapid tests were considered. Bivariate analyses were performed to identify the association between the positive result in the rapid tests and demographic and clinical variables and the time elapsed between the onset of symptoms and the performance of the test. Likewise, odds ratios and their respective confidence intervals were calculated at the 95% level, and the p-value presented through the Wald method. Results: predominance of male individuals, 51%; in the age range of 20 to 39 years, 46,4%; and health professionals, 99,9%. Regarding the time elapsed between the onset of clinical signs and symptoms and diagnosis, 61,7% of the individuals who were tested up to 9 days after the onset of symptoms had a positive result. Sex, age group and time to test were associated with a positive result for the COVID-19 rapid test. Conclusion: it is important to minimize false-positive test results by choosing an assay with high specificity and testing populations and individuals in a timely manner.


pandemias, infección por coronavirus, epidemiología, salud del trabajadorpandemics, coronavirus infection, epidemiology, worker healthpandemias, infecções por coronavirus, epidemiologia, saúde do trabalhador

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How to Cite
Wickert, D. C., Caetano da Silva, L. M., Gomes Ilha, A., Piccin, C., Santos Malheiros, L. C., Almeida Santos, T., de Lima Barroso, B. I., & de Oliveira e Silva, A. C. (2022). Incidence of COVID-19 and Associated Factors: An Analysis According to Laboratory Diagnosis. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 24.
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