Published Jul 27, 2022


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Leidy Andrea Tovar Neira

Jasmin Viviana Cacante Caballero



Introduction: In Nursing, the recognition of emancipatory and sociopolitical patterns in practice is not evident. This identification allows the qualification of care in areas of great complexity such as oncology, which affects children and their families. Objective: To know the meaning of sociopolitical and emancipatory knowledge patterns in nursing professionals during the care of children with cancer and their families. Methodology: Qualitative ethnographic study in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten nurses with experiences between six months and seventeen years working with pediatric oncology population. And non-participant observations in two health institutions, one private and one public. The data were studied under the analysis procedure proposed by Michael Angrosino, which consists of the following phases: data management, general reading and classification of themes. Results: As a result of the analysis of the information, three major themes were established: context of care; nursing care; and expressions of sociopolitical and emancipatory patterns in care. In the discussion, the results were articulated with Imogene King's Systems theory. Conclusions: Based on the interaction of nurses with patients and their families, it was possible to identify that strategies such as education, follow-up, case management and administrative procedures are ways of strengthening shared governance and social equity, which are indices of credibility of sociopolitical and emancipatory patterns.


enfermería oncológica, pautas de la práctica en enfermería, política, gestión clínica, gobernanza compartida en enfermeríaOncology nursing, nursing practice guidelines, policy, clinical management, shared governance in nursing

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How to Cite
Tovar Neira, L. A., & Cacante Caballero, J. V. (2022). Nursing Care in Childhood Cancer: A Look from the Sociopolitical and Emancipatory Patterns. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 24.
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