Published Jan 19, 2023


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Jorge Luis Herrera Herrera

María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Gázquez

Juan Guillermo Rojas



Introduction: Health education programs for the indigenous population must be reviewed by experts in order to assess whether their cultural adaptation is appropriate and accurate. Objective: To determine the content validity contemplated in an educational intervention for the improvement of knowledge, attitudes and practices, for the prevention of malaria in the Emberá Katío population in the department of Córdoba, Colombia. Materials and methods: Methodological study for the validation of educational intervention that included four modules, administered in face-to-face sessions, in which educational strategies such as classes, guided discussions and workshops were used. Thirteen experts in work with indigenous communities participated, who evaluated the criteria of clarity, pertinence, relevance and coherence of the content of each module. The content validity index (CVI) of Lawshe modified by Tristán was estimated and the value ≥ 0.58 was assumed to consider the approval of the module criteria. Results: All the modules obtained global CVIs fluctuated between 0.83 and 0.90. The clarity of Module 1, ‘Knowing malaria’, had a value of 0.69 and the rest of the values of the four criteria ranged between 0.77 and 1. Discussion: The evaluated criteria exceeded the cut-off point established by the literature to approve the intervention, and the observations and recommendations of the experts were considered for adjustments in it. Conclusion: According to the experts' judgement, the evaluated educational intervention has high content validity in its modules according to the criteria tested.


malaria, indigenous peoples, validation study, health education, Transcultural Nursingmalária, povos indígenas, estudo de validação, educação em saúde, enfermagem transculturalmalaria, pueblos indígenas, estudio de validación, educación en salud, enfermería transcultural

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How to Cite
Herrera Herrera, J. L., Rodríguez Gázquez , M. de los Ángeles, & Rojas , J. G. (2023). Content validity of an educational intervention to improve knowledge, attitudes and practices related to malaria in an indigenous community. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 25.
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