Published Aug 14, 2013

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Diana Marcela Achury Saldaña

Alejandro Delgado Reyes

Marisol Ruiz Berrío



No professional can disregard the aggressive environment critical patients are exposed to in intensive-care units, and how their needs, such as sleep, are often interrupted. Due to this, the professional nurse should acknowledge sleep as a priority need in critical patient care, which must be satisfied. It is paramount that an integral appraisal of sleep patterns and identification of the more frequent environmental factors such as noise be incorporated into daily practice, so they can be minimised through interventions aimed at providing an integral care which includes sleep for critical patients as a necessary component of their physical and emotional recovery.

How to Cite
Achury Saldaña, D. M., Reyes, A. D., & Berrío, M. R. (2013). Noise and Nurse Activity: Factors Disturbing Sleep. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 15(1), 51–63. Retrieved from
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