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Lorena Mesa Melgarejo

Ana Julia Carrillo Algarra

Fanny Moreno Rubio


Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, the world is facing an epidemic of chronic diseases which are not confined to a few that affect elderly, they are a set of problems in all age groups and their variety requires different interventions and, above all, a broader context in regards to the treatment of this phenomenon. Objective: To explore what the literature says about the experiences of people in chronic condition, in order to contribute to the design of instruments, plans, programs and policies. Method: A literature review of books and articles published in various databases; it was conducted using the descriptors: chronic disease, illness, life experiences. The selections were organized into themes that allowed better understanding of the phenomenon. Results: five theme categories emerged: chronicity and daily life, self-image: relevant aspects; the world of work for the person with chronic disease, chronic illness and time, caregivers, family and social support: the role of networks in chronic disease. These categories intertwine in the way people perceive and experience the processes related to chronicity and some nuances beyond the clinical aspects that give some specificity to the life experience in chronic condition. Conclusions: It is necessary to consider chronic disease with a broad perspective that allows us to understand it as a social process issue, which permits diagnosis and comprehensive health care plans

chronic disease, psychological stress, life-changing events, cost of illness, Chronic diseases, quality of life, scientific literature, literature research, doença crônica, estresse psicológico, eventos que mudam a vida, custo da doença, Aspectos crônico, qualidade de vida, literatura, pesquisa bibliográficaenfermedad crónica, estrés psicológico, acontecimientos que cambian la vida, costo de enfermedad, Enfermedades crónicas, calidad de vida, literatura científica, investigación bibliográfica, chronic disease, psychological stress, life-changing events,

How to Cite
Mesa Melgarejo, L., Carrillo Algarra, A. J., & Moreno Rubio, F. (2013). The chronicity and its nuances: documentary study. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 15(2), 95–114. Retrieved from
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