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Fabiola Castellanos Soriano

Lucero López


This interpretive ethnographic study aimed at understanding the trajectory of popular care of older people with a disability living in poverty. The study was conducted in five neighborhoods of the northeastern hills of Bogota. The data collection methods were participant observation and interviews; methods that were carried out with seven key contributors. The analysis was guided by Leininger’s proposal, from which the cultural theme emerges: “Discovering popular care pathways of older people in disability and poverty”, and it is presented according to the three stages of the care trajectory: understanding the current situation (paying the consequences of the life that I had to take), decision making (decision making: a framework of circumstances) and care execution (Care execution: swinging between popular and professional care). The issue reveals the various possibilities of care in this group and shows how from its environmental context, culture and needs they configure an intangible path. On such path, understanding their situation becomes important and the particular ways of making decisions also turn significant along with the practices which are culturally inherited that blend with distinct changing knowledge.

enfermagem transcultural, cuidado, idosos deficientes, etnografia, Idosos com físico, Cerros nororientales (Bogotá, Colômbia), assistência na velhice, aspectos sociais, enfermagem geriátrica, enfermería transcultural, cuidado, ancianos discapacitados, etnografía, ancianos con discapacidades físicas, Cerros nororientales (Bogotá, Colombia), asistencia a la vejez, aspectos sociales, enfermería geriátrica, transcultural nursing, care, disabled elderly, ethnography, elderly with physical, Cerros nororientales (Bogota, Colombia), old age assistance, social aspects, geriatric nursing,

How to Cite
Castellanos Soriano, F., & López, L. (2013). Taking care of elderly people in disability and poverty. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 15(2), 115–135. Retrieved from
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