Published Dec 22, 2014


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Vera Regina Waldow


Although care is not a new topic, the discussion about it remains relevant, as severalaspects are still vague. This text aims primarily to expose some of the ideas of theauthor of this manuscript about care in general and how to visualize it in the contextof nursing. It is presented a theoretical discussion of caring / care and its philosoficalinterpretation based on phenomenology and holism, seeking to contribute to a betterunderstanding of this phenomenon and to a more humanistic practice of nursing.The philosophical analysis favors a conception under which the author understandscaring as an element of the language of nursing; it is a way of being and only happensin the presence of other beings. Supported by other authors, she concluded thatcaring is the essence of nursing and is characterized by its existential, relational andcontextual dimensions.

enfermagem, cuidado de enfermagem, cuidadores, pacientes, filosofiaenfermería, cuidado de enfermería, cuidadores, pacientes, fenomenología, holismonursing, nursing care, caregivers, patients, phenomenology, holism

How to Cite
Waldow, V. R. (2014). Nursing: the Care Practice from a Philosophical Point of View. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 17(1).
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