Published Apr 9, 2015


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Gisela Esther González-Ruiz

Luz Angela Reyes-Rios

Yeis Miguel Borre-Ortiz

Haidy Rocio Oviedo-Córdoba

Loedys Barrios Ditta

Lorena Carbonó

Gleydis Martinez Quintero



Breastfeeding is the ideal way to give children the nutrients needed for proper growth and development; however, many factors disrupt this practice, including the phenomenon known as early weaning. Objective: To identify what factors contribute to early weaning in a group of mothers of children enrolled in a program of growth and development of a health center in Santa Marta, Colombia. Materials and methods: descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study. The sample was comprised by 54 mothers with children less than or equal to 24 months chose from a total of 372 mothers, they were intentionally selected to complete the sample. The information was collected using a questionnaire designed by the researchers, using expert judgment and previous pilot. Results: 94.22% exclusively breastfed their children; while 5.77% did not. Factors that influenced the suspension of breastfeeding were lack of time (36.54%), insufficient milk production (23.06%), refusal of baby to breastfeeding (17.51%), Mother's own decision (15.38%) and family influence (7.69%). Conclusion: social factors generally influence early weaning; but the change is related to cultural aspects rooted as common practices and everyday habits. It is therefore necessary that educational and health institutions continue their efforts to transform that which affects the welfare and health of diverse populations.


aleitamento materno, desmame, recém-nascido, nutrição do lactente, mãeslactancia materna, destete, recién nacido, nutrición del lactante, madresbreastfeeding, weaning, newborn, infant nutrition, mothers

How to Cite
González-Ruiz, G. E., Reyes-Rios, L. A., Borre-Ortiz, Y. M., Oviedo-Córdoba, H. R., Barrios Ditta, L., Carbonó, L., & Martinez Quintero, G. (2015). Factors affecting early weaning in a group of mothers of Santa Marta, Colombia. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 17(2), 37–50.
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