Published Oct 15, 2011

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Viridiana Molinares Hassan

Judith Echeverría Molina



In this paper, we present an analytical reflection on key issues and opportuni- ties that may arise for women with lower incomes or marginal communities in Colombia, from the delivery of UN A/64/L.63/Rev.1, July 26, 2010 by which the UN, “declares the right to drinking water and sanitation as a human right essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights”.

We intended to highlight the main aspects linking gender relations with potable water service and how the resolution in question, can generate a significant change in the conditions of life and identity of women against the use and supply at domestic drinking water.

This work begins with an exhibition of landscape water in some marginal regions of the world, based on figures from official regulatory bodies and / or guiding the water issue, we raised the right to water as a human right since the analysis of the various directives that regard have emanated from various international bodies, and then present the role of women in relation to the issue of water supply and finally conclude with some reflections aimed at redirecting public policies surrounding this right and duty from women and for the community. 


derechos humanos, agua, género, mujer, oportunidadesHuman rights, water, gender, women, opportunities

How to Cite
Molinares Hassan, V., & Echeverría Molina, J. (2011). The Human Right to Water: Potential From a Gender Perspective. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 9(19), 269–302. Retrieved from