Published Oct 15, 2008

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Lina Marcela Escobar Martínez



This article is a product of the research project called The usage of arguments by the highest judicial organs in Colombia (El uso de los argumentos por parte de los órganos judiciales de cierre en Colombia), among the line of constitutional law and society of the group Public Law Studies, Category A, Colciencias, directed by the teacher Lina Marcela Escobar Martínez, PhD., with the participation as co-researcher Danny Marrero Avendaño, as well as young
researchers Sergio Rojas Quiñones y Sebastian Mantilla Blanco, law students at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. This Project began in January 2008, and is to be completed by 2010, with the Javerianas financial aid.

This is an investigation article that provides some advances concerning the methodology applied for the project, inserted in the group of scientific interest leaded by the Universities of Siena and Bordeaux, as well as some concepts that belong to the researchs theoretical framework, which is the reason why no definite results are presented. 


Argumentación jurídica, precedente judicial, jurisprudenciaLegal Argument, judicial precedent, jurisprudence

How to Cite
Escobar Martínez, L. M. (2008). THE USE OF FOREIGN PRECEDENTS BY THE COLOMBIAN CONSTITUTIONAL COURT. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 6(13). Retrieved from