Published Jun 30, 2008

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Julio Andrés Sampedro Arrubla



This article is a result of the line of victimology of the resarch team “Estudios de Derecho Público” (acknowledged by Colciencias - “A” category). It is a reflection paper that focuses in its first part in the historical oversight of victims, to further aboard the subjects referred to the necessary change of perspective in the Colombian criminal justice system in reference to victim´s rights, in accordance with the Colombian constitution and with the international law of human rights. Finally, it refers in a specifically to those rights: access to justice and fair treatment, restitution
and compensation, assistance and peaceful coexistence. 


derechos humanos de las víctimas, sistema penal, acceso a la justicia, tratamiento equitativo ante la ley, reparación integral, indemnización, asistencia para las víctimas, futura convivencia pacíficaVictim´s human rights, criminal justice system, access to justice and fair treatment, restitution, compensation, assistance, peaceful coexistence

How to Cite
Sampedro Arrubla, J. A. (2008). VICTIM´S HUMAN RIGHTS: BRIEFINGS FOR THE RE FORMULATION. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 6(12). Retrieved from