Published Apr 15, 2008

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Andrés Téllez Núñez



The last book of Professor John H. Jackson, distinguished professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center, and current director of the Institute of International Economic Law at that same school, compiles a series of lectures Professor Jackson delivered at the University of Cambridge’s Lauterpatch Research Centre, and they summarize the evident existing tension between the concepts of sovereignty and international economic relations (including thereby the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade “GATTGATTGATTGATT”, the World Trade Organization, dispute settlement mechanisms, etc.) regulated and legally dealt with by what is known today as International Economic Law and the bases and foundations of Public International Law. Professor Jackson’s last book is not as large and ample as his pivotal work entitled “Legal Problems of International Economic Relations”, but it deals – masterly – with the juridical, philosophical and legal problems posed today by the effort to better understand Public International Law.


Jackson-John Howard, 1932, crítica e interpretación, derecho internacional público, derecho internacional (filosofía), economía internacional, soberanía, derecho internacional económico, Jackson, GATT, relaciones económicasJackson-John Howard, 1932, Criticism and interpretation, Public International Law, International Law (Philosophy), International Economy, Sovereignty, International Economic Law, Jackson, GATT, International Economic Relations

How to Cite
Téllez Núñez, A. (2008). SOVEREIGNTY, THE WTO, ANDCHANGING FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW BY JOHN H. JACKSON REVIEW. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 6(11). Retrieved from