Published Jul 30, 2016


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Irene Soler-Noguera

Emilia Iglesias-Ortuño



This article presents the main objective of research meet current regulations in 
victim-offender mediation of the countries belonging to the European Union, to study and compare the characteristics of those rules across European countries. For this purpose we used a qualitative research methodology based on document analysis by categories through a MaxQDA software selected to compare the various laws. The countries studied were German, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Poland, Portugal and Czech Republic. The results found were that specific legislation in this area (which are mainly in Criminal and Procedural laws more than autonomous law) has very little development time, which is founded for less serious crimes and that there is little theoretical basis of victim-offender mediation law. Through the systematization by categories through a computer program of legislation it has been able to build an overview of victim-offender mediation in Europe very useful for the development of it, and especially to give visibility to this restorative practice.


Legislación, mediación, justicia restaurativa, análisis documental, infracciones penales y consecuenciasLegislation, mediation, restorative justice, document analysis, criminal offenses and consequences

How to Cite
Soler-Noguera, I., & Iglesias-Ortuño, E. (2016). Evidence Regarding Victim-Offender Mediation in European Law. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 14(28), 283–320.