Publicado Oct 15, 2007

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Andrés Felipe Celis Salazar



In the Mexico-Soft Drinks case, Mexico tried to rely on the NAFTA to justify a breach of the GATT. To what extent did the Appellate Body reject the application of Non-WTO International Law in WTO dispute settlement proceedings? Was the Appellate Body’s decision correct? This can become a sensitive issue in particular when WTO Law is in conflict with International Environmental Law or Human Rights Law. 

This essay will prove that the WTO principles are not incompatible with other goals set in other international agreements signed by the parties. 

Como Citar
Celis Salazar, A. F. (2007). CAN WTO MEMBERS RELY ON NON-WTO LAW TO JUSTIFY A VIOLATION OF WTO LAW?. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 5(10). Recuperado de
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