Published Jul 1, 2014


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Félix Raúl Eduardo Martínez Cleves


This article evaluates the historiography built especially from architecture after the Academia Colombiana de Historia (the Colombian Academy of History) ceased its interest in gathering cities history at the end of the 1930s. To do this, a repertoire of authors constituted by some of the most important architects of the twentieth century will be used. They will consider not only the physical aspects of cities, but also their backgrounds. In this sense, this paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of the current urban history and, in a very partial way, to the urban and architectural history, although the latter correspond to another text for length reasons. It is also understood that the intellectual production in these areas is still dominated by architects or research centers in which professionals have a significant interference.

Historiografía, ciudad, historia, arquitectura, moderno.historiography, city, history, architecture, modernhistoriografia, cidade, história, arquitetura, moderno

How to Cite
Martínez Cleves, F. R. E. (2014). History of cities by some Colombian architects. An approach to the fundamentals of urban history. Memoria Y Sociedad, 18(37).