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Eduardo José Del Valle Mora


This document studies the configuration of the Denouncer, based on what the author calls in its work as, neighbor legislative panopticism. The Denouncer, is a control mechanism of normative fulfillment designed by the Spanish Crown and the Supreme Council of the Indians, that served as an element of coercion and intimidation within the population, with the purpose of allowing the configuration of the Ordered City in the terms of the Recopilación de Leyes de los Reinos de las Indias (Indies Kingdoms Compilation of Laws). In this paper the author studies the application and obeyance of this compilation, as well as the recognized aphorism “se acata, pero no se cumple” (law is accepted but not fulfilled), in order to propose that the policy of the Denouncer was a control mechanism designed by the colonial authorities. Finally, this article proves that the Denouncer was a person that accepted and fulfills the Indian legal system.

Ciudad ordenada, Denunciador, política indiana, suplicación, derecho indianoOrdered City, Denouncer, Indian Policy, Petition for Reconsideration, Indian Right

How to Cite
Del Valle Mora, E. J. (2014). The Denouncer: A Neighbor Who Accepts and Fulfills. Memoria Y Sociedad, 13(26), 19–40. Retrieved from