Published Mar 17, 2020


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Bernardo Salgado Rodrigues

Rafael Shoenmann de Moura



This work, inspired in contributions from the Dependency Theory and the Structuralism, is a critical research on the links between South America and China, putting emphasis on the complexity of their productive regimes as well as their strategic natural resources. In the current decade we are witnessing an economic slowing down and a crisis in many countries of this continent. All this is leading to a burnout stage in the progressive government cycles in the region with an income distribution growth and social inclusion. The Chinese emergence –that some years ago meant a wide range of opportunities due to their growing needs of commodities– now is interpreted less ideally and the relations to this Asian power are seen rather worrying. With such concerns, we provide hereby an analysis of empirical data referencing the Chinese actions within our region during the first two decades of 21st century. It is intended to provide an outline telling whether the Chinese and South-American cooperation has led this continent to take advantages of their own potentialities, or, it has been a simple rhetoric move to hide a dependence re-elaborated pattern.


South America, China, dependence, natural resources, regressive specialization.América del Sur, China, dependencia, recursos naturales, especialización regresiva.

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How to Cite
Salgado Rodrigues, B., & Shoenmann de Moura, R. (2020). From the Illusion of the Commodities to the Regressive Specialization: South America, China and the New Independence Wave in the 21st Century. Papel Político, 24(2).
Dossier de China, editado por: Bruno De Conti, University of Campinas