Published Apr 20, 2024


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Jan Lust



The election of Pedro Castillo as the first left-wing Peruvian president in 2021, the candidate of the Marxist-oriented political party Perú Libre, came as a surprise for society in general and for the political Right in particular. On December 7, 2022, Castillo put an end to his presidency. In this article we intend to shed light on the reasons for Castillo’s rise to political power, his fall and the emergence of a new social movement against the authoritarian regime of Dina Boluarte. We conclude that Castillo has never been a threat to the economic interests of capital. His presidency did not have the political and social bases to start processes towards structural and radical political, economic, social and cultural transformation. Furthermore, his presidency did not have the capacities to develop and implement proposals that would harm the interests of capital. We argue that Castillo was politically, economically and socially auto-castrated. By putting an end to his presidency, Castillo took the initiative in the class struggle resulting in the authoritarian regime of Boluarte and the emergence of a new social movement based in the regions with possibilities to become hegemonic.


Peru, Pedro Castillo, left, authoritarianism, political crisis, class strugglePerú, Pedro Castillo, izquierda, autoritarismo, crisis política, lucha de clases

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How to Cite
Lust, J. (2024). The class struggle in Peru: The rise and fall of a left-wing president, 2021-2023. Papel Político, 29.
Dossier - Alcances y límites del nuevo ciclo progresista en América Latina