Published Jan 31, 2017


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Karina Monteros Cueva



Vernacular architecture represents the traditional way of building that identifies a location, which has sometimes been unprotected; hence the importance of conservation for continuity over time. The Chuquiribamba parish, canton and province of Loja in Ecuador, is analyzed due to the presence of indigenous people and presenting constructive singularities, allowing cataloging cultural heritage of the state. Despite efforts to preserve this heritage is at risk due to neglect, the process of territorial expansion and the incorporation of new materials. For this reason it is necessary to document its architecture through an inventory, diagnosis, and identification of potential and threats site that allows us to propose guidelines for intervention that articulates the historical fabric and the needs of the population.


paróquias do patrimônio rural, conservação do patrimônio, identidade cultural, população indígenaparroquias rurales patrimoniales, conservación del patrimonio, identidad cultural, población indígenapatrimonial rural parishes, heritage conservation, cultural identity, indigenous population

How to Cite
Monteros Cueva, K. (2017). Vernacular built in rural populations indigenous descent. Parish Chuquiribamba, Loja, Ecuador. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 29(1).