Published Mar 15, 2017


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Rosa González González

Anelis Marichal González

Eva Perón Delgado



The conservation of the patrimony built in the cities has faced big challenges, among them the insert of the tourism, being one of its consequences, the relationship that space settles down for oneself among the urban and tourist services. It is for it that they concentrate on creating places for all in harmony with the natural means and promoters of the economic, social and cultural development to assume the new list that imposes the current scenario, the efforts. Being one of the roads the improvement of the territorial classification that contributes with the conservation of the patrimony of the city, for what is required of their improvement by means of the construction of models. When a study modernized in Cuba not existing, of the balance of the functions of the urban and tourist services, with a vision of an integral, harmonic and sustainable development of the center, the necessity is imposed of elaborating a methodological procedure that has like base the necessity to guide the interventions, contributing to the development and conservation of those tangible attractiveness that made to the city promoter of the tourist development, applying it later on in the city of Camagüey.


tourism, conservation, built-up patrimony, methodology procedure, services, Camagüey, Cubaturismo, conservação, patrimônio composto, procedimento de metodologia, serviços, Camagüey, Cubaturismo, conservación, patrimonio edificado, procedimiento metodológico, servicios, Camagüey, Cuba

How to Cite
González González, R., Marichal González, A., & Perón Delgado, E. (2017). Conservation of Built heritage Through the relationship between Urban and tourist services. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 29(2).