Published Dec 10, 2017


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Henry Hernán Carvajal Jaramillo



Based on the premise that true heritage consists of the knowledge that can be passed on to future generations, and as to contribute to the knowledge of architectural technology in heritage buildings, we have undertaken a research project on this subject. This article presents the first phase of this research where we carried out the review and analysis of 189 titles, including publications and research on colonial heritage architecture, or to be precise, of the Neo-Granadine period in Colombia. We demonstrate the little interest this aspect of architecture has generated and the vision that authors and researchers have about it. The knowledge disseminated so far is interrelated by means of the identification of the level of development for each one of the technological aspects. That said, today it becomes evident how urgent is the research on architectural technology as a measure for the responsible intervention of heritage and its preservation in case of material loss.


Conservação de monumentos históricos, arquitetura tradicional, tecnologia, sistemas construtivos, construção colonialPreservation of historical monuments, traditional architecture, technology, construction systems, colonial constructionconservación de monumentos históricos, arquitectura tradicional, tecnología, sistemas constructivos, construcción colonial

How to Cite
Carvajal Jaramillo, H. H. (2017). Technology in Architecture; the Case of Neo-Granadine Architecture: State of the Question. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 30(1).