Antiguo Teatro París, durante su reciente demolición (Foto: Carlos Ancheta, 2016)

Published Sep 23, 2018

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Guillermo Barrios



This article deals with emergence, development and decline of movie theater architecture in Caracas from 1925, when the first building specifically created for that use was erected, to 1960, year when the last of these “movie palaces” opened its doors. Over the course of these five decades, the cinema building underpinned the modernity of the growing city, attentive to the trends of its time. Since then, the cinema function has taken refuge in the interior of the large malls that have multiplied in Caracas, as a substitute of open-air public space. This process has implied the progressive closing of the old movie theaters, whose buildings have carelessly been demolished, abandoned or trans­formed into other uses that completely distort their architecture and their once life-giving presence in the urban fabric.


architecture, cinema theater, public spaces, facades, neighborhoodsarquitectura, salas de cine, espacio público, fachadas, barriosarchitecture, patrimoine, salles de cinéma, espace public, façades, quartiers

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How to Cite
Barrios, G. (2018). The Architecture of the Caracas cinemas: 1925-1960. Five cases. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 31(1), 8–23. Retrieved from