Of natural remedies and diseases: oral transmission of domestic use of plants with medicinal purposes in Campeche, Mexico
The oral transmission of knowledge about the domestic use of plants for medicinal purposes in some communitiesin Campeche, Mexico, is included within the Intangible Cultural Heritage because its transmission from generation togeneration, since pre-hispanic times. As part of a sense that the modern Maya still have to the land that provides themwith plants and their use to restore the health of the individual, this paper describes the knowledge and use of plantsin order to cure common diseases in urban and rural families in particular. To cure these pathologies in a domestic wayis not required a deep knowledge and rituals as in the case of so-called herbalists, ‘curanderos’ or h-menoob [priests,in Maya language]. Although this knowledge has survived, adjustments to the current Mexican law are needed in orderto preserve the application of medicinal plants to treat common ailments to avoid the loss of this oral transmission.
Intangible cultural heritage, oral tradition, domestic medicine, medicinal plants, Maya, Keywords plus, Ethnobotany, Useful plants, Botanic medicine, Medicinal plant, Cultural heritage – Campeche(Mexico).Patrimônio cultural imaterial, tradição oral, medicina popular, plantas medicinais, Maias, Palavras-chave descritores, Etnobotânica, plantas úteis, botânica médica, patrimôniocultural – Campeche (México).Patrimonio cultural inmaterial, tradición oral, medicina casera, plantas medicinales, mayas - Descriptores, Etnobotánica, plantas útiles, botánica médica, patrimonio cultural – Campeche (México).
How to Cite
Rodríguez, L. de las M. (2012). Of natural remedies and diseases: oral transmission of domestic use of plants with medicinal purposes in Campeche, Mexico. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 25(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/revApuntesArq/article/view/8833