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Universitas Scientiarum publishes original (theoretical and experimental) and taxonomic articles in English that adhere to the standard rules of style and grammar of the language. Some times, by direct invitation, Univ. Sci. publish topical reviews written by experts.

Original articles: Should report scientific research that significantly contributes to the study area and provides conclusions of interest and new scientific understanding to a diverse readership. Preference will be given to manuscripts presenting original and interdisciplinary methodological robustness. Authors must demonstrate and explicitly describe the contribution they make to the scientific community in relation to past research.

Taxonomic article: The publication must be registered with ZooBank (http://zoobank.org/) to obtain an LSID. Without this, any nomenclatural action will not be valid. We also suggest, at least, new species be registered. Manuscripts without an LSID will not proceed in the editorial process. This LSID number should be placed immediately after the title. Material examined must be cited in a section with the same name under each species; for example, "Material examined: COLOMBIA: Meta: Villavicencio, 100m, 23 Oct 2012, A. Acosta, leg., 1¿ (catalog # 2345) (MPUJ-ENT 002345)." If more than one species is cited in this section, indicate the species before citing the material. Type specimens must be clearly identified as such before mentioning the locality. Interpolated information (for example: geographic coordinates) must be in square brackets. Use the following abbreviations: sp. nov., gen. nov., syn. nov. 4. The ICZN code should be strictly followed (http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ hosted-sites/iczn/code/).

Review articleCollect, analyze, systematize and integrate the results of published and unpublished research (e.g., author's unpublished data) on a particular problem area or field of knowledge. The topic of a review must be current, rapidly changing and be vital to the scientific community (e.g., concepts). This is an extensive examination of published literature (primary and secondary), to produce an updated summary and disclose new developments in the state of knowledge of an active area of research. A review must provide sufficient background to explain the issue and establish its main question, problem or objective. It must provide the parameters of the chosen topic (including spatial, temporal limits or organisms), the literature search and selection criteria (method), and provide prevailing trends and gaps in knowledge. Following consideration and critical analysis, the author will provide his/her point-of-view, reach a conclusion on the issue, question or objective of the review, and propose new guidelines for research.

Manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or LaTeX complying with Univ. Sci. guidelines. In order to assist you in the writing processes,  MS Wordand Latex templates are available at: http://ciencias.javeriana.edu.co/investigacion/universitas-scientiarum/instrucciones-autores

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