Published Sep 15, 2014


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Eulàlia P. Abril

Andrew R. Binder

Xiaoli Nan

Pamela M. Nevar

Hernando Rojas



In response to the vast and sometimes conceptually inconsistent literature on valence framing, Levin and colleagues (1998) advanced a typology of valence framing that organized the differing results by risky choice, attribute, and goal framing. This study furthers the literature on goal framing by (a) applying it to the context of a social issue, extreme child poverty; and (b) examining affective mechanisms under which goal framing is persuasive. Experimental results (N = 197) revealed that exposure to the loss-framed message led to greater willingness to support public policies to eradicate child poverty compared to the gain-framed message. Results also found evidence that negative affect served as the mediator of framing effects on public policy support. 


goal framing, negative affect, advertisement, extreme child poverty, mediationEnquadre dos resultados (goal framing), Afeto negativo, Publicidade, Pobreza infantil extrema, MediaçãoEncuadre de los resultados (goal framing), Afecto negativo, Publicidad, Pobreza infantil extrema, Mediación

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How to Cite
Abril, E. P., Binder, A. R., Nan, X., Nevar, P. M., & Rojas, H. (2014). Persuasion and Affect in the Framing of Poverty: An Experiment on Goal Framing. Signo Y Pensamiento, 33(65), 51–68.